General Information
- Your Jassby Trip Card is a debit card given to you for meal allotments. Your allotments will be added prior to the scheduled meal.
- PIN - Your Tour Leader will provide you with your PIN.
- If prompted to choose a Debit or Credit transaction when making a purchase, choose Credit.
- Insufficient Funds - If you do not have enough money on your card to pay for your purchase, tell the merchant how much is on your Jassby card and then pay for the rest of the meal with another form of payment.
Information Found on the Back of Your Card
The card image below is a sample to illustrate where you can find information on your own card.
- This is your card number.
- This is the Lot number for your card.
- This is the card expiration date and is for the travel company's use only. You will find your funds expiration date on the trip card app.
- Scan the QR code with your phone's camera to access the Jassby Trip Card app. You do not need to download anything.
Jassby Trip Card App
Information at the top of the app screen
- Name and dates of the trip.
- Last 4 digits of your Trip Card
- Current balance on your card
- Good Thru date. After the trip, funds will remain on your card until this date. When the Good Thru date has passed, the card will be deactivated.
- Tap the ? for help.
Trip Card Transactions
- Upcoming Allotments shows when you should expect future funds to be added to your card.
- Previous Transactions shows all credits (allotments) and debits (spending) on your card.