1. On the homescreen, under the Family section, tap the name of the kid or sponsored adult whose allowance you are setting up
2. Tap Allowance
3. On the pop-up screen, set the amount, distribution, frequency, and day of the week or month > Tap Continue
Note: If you would like to choose an amount other than $5.00 or $10.00,
tap Change to enter a custom amount. By default, allowance will be
deposited to the Spending account. Use the distribution slider to
adjust how much will go directly to the Saving account.
To change an existing allowance
Follow steps 1 and 2 above, then either
a. Make changes on the pop-up screen by adjusting the amount, distribution, or day of the
week/month >Tap Continue to save the changes
b. Tap the Delete button to delete the allowance